Winter shows no sign of letting up—not even for busy New Yorkers. In addition to coping with the cold weather, darker days and inconvenient commutes, you must also remain aware of winter injuries. The ice and snow on the ground could contribute to some nasty wounds. To be proactive in avoiding these injuries, learn more about the most common winter injuries in New York.

  • Slip-and-falls

Almost everyone has taken a slip on icy ground. Most of the time, you regain your balance and move on. However, some slip-and-falls can result in head and neck injuries. It is the responsibility of the property owner to keep their land clear of dangerous ice. If you slip and fall on their property, they may be liable for your damages.

  • Shoveling snow and breaking ice

No one enjoys shoveling, but it is part of many laborers’ jobs. But shoveling snow or clearing a walkway of ice can contribute to neck or back strain, a shoulder injury or a repetitive motion injury. Employers are responsible for most injuries that occur on the job site—including those from shoveling and other forms of physical labor.

  • Frostbite

When workers spend time in freezing weather, they could suffer frostbite in their extremities. It is up to employers to keep their laborers safe. This means rotating employees, providing warm worksites and preventing workers from staying outside too long.

  • Motor vehicle accidents

Traffic in the city is already terrible, but ice, snow and sleet make it even worse. Dangerous weather conditions can lead to numerous car accidents—and injuries. Determining fault in a car accident is not always easy. But if a driver’s negligence contributed to the collision, they may be held liable.

What to do after an injury

Even the most cautious among us cannot always avoid an injury. If you are injured this winter, this is what you should do:

  • Obtain the name and contact information of other parties involved
  • Document the scene of the accident with photographs, if possible
  • Consider your legal options before talking to an insurance company
  • Get medical treatment immediately